Month: September 2022

Hybrid working & the challenges that leaders must address

With Sean Gallagher

In just a few slides, Sean explains the latest developments in hybrid working and the challenges facing organisations. This is a ‘must’ for leaders to understand what hybrid working is doing to particular aspects of their business.

6 min

Global Employment Company (GEC) – what is it and why?

With Mario Ferraro

Providing us with an update on the rise of the Global Employment Company (GEC), Mario explains why it’s becoming a popular choice for companies to transition to this model.

7 min

The implications of tax when working & traveling overseas – things you might not know!

With Ursula Dyer Lepporoli

Ursula makes tax exciting and in this engaging and upbeat podcast, we are enlightened to the world of tax and retirement implications when working overseas. With the increasing rise in digital nomad visas, Ursula’s expertise is vital to anyone who either wants to travel and work remotely abroad, or who is enabling employees to do as such.

43 min