Managing Talent Remotely

With Lynn Lee

Lynn Lee, Global Talent Partner &  APAC Head of Talent Mobility at Mars, joins us to discuss some principles and fundamentals for managing talent remotely. With extensive experience in the Global Mobility space and a passion for people, she offers a unique perspective on the challenges of talent management, remote work, recognition, and a culture of trust and accountability.

48 min

The evolution of corporate housing post-COVID

With Vivi Cahyadi Himmel

From London, Vivi, CEO of AltoVita, discusses the evolution of corporate housing and its acceleration around the world; the balance between work from home (or anywhere) and office; and the importance of human connection and technology for guest experience in the accommodation market. Vivi has lived and worked in 11 cities and her experience has given her a particular perspective on talent mobility which is strategically valuable for companies.

53 min

The Impact of COVID on mobility

With Ben Cross

In this episode, Jamie and Keryn are joined by Ben Cross from GLOMO to discuss the impact of COVID on mobility, the global workforce, and the change in the relationship between employees and employers.

45 min

Intuition and Remote Working

With Jess Lively

Founder & podcast host of The Lively Show, Jess joins us to discuss everything from managing staff remotely, understanding limitations, and how to look at time in a way that feels more natural and productive for you, trusting in your intuition.

50 min

COVID-19 vaccines & global movement

With Dr Agnes Arnold-Forster

As countries around the world begin to roll-out the COVID-19 vaccine, we catch up with Dr Agnes Arnold-Forster, writer and historian of healthcare, medicine, work, and the emotions, to discuss what we can learn from previous pandemics and what a successful global vaccination program could mean for global work and business. 

48 min

Corporate Culture and Diversity

With Dr Lisa Interligi

As Managing Director at Launching Pad, Lisa’s experience in change management and leadership gives us an insight into why some businesses are thriving throughout the global pandemic and others are finding it difficult to motivate staff

41 min

Talent Mobility – The Next Normal

With Kerwin Guillermo

Kerwin Guillermo, Global Head of Employee Mobility at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, discusses the era of protectionism within the immigration space with changing rules and how COVID-19 has elevated the sense that countries want to protect their own people.

39 min

Global Co-Working Spaces

With Balder Tol

Balder Tol, General Manager Australia WeWork, discusses how has COVID-19 impacted co-working spaces and what the future of co-working looks like given possible ongoing restrictions.

27 min

Introducing The Working World

The Working World investigates the rise of a “COVID-19 workforce” and what that means for global businesses and traditional global mobility programs. Meet Jamie and Keryn, they’ll be discussing exactly what it means to develop and manage a global workforce with some incredible guests.

1 min